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Workshop 4 | NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education |

NECE - Networking European Citizenship Education About NECE NECE Conference 2020 Newsletter Archive Country Profiles: Citizenship Education Around the World Russian Country profiles Editorial Europe (NECE) Austria Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Germany Netherlands Poland Slovenia Spain United Kingdom Eastern Partnership and Russia (EENCE) Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia Moldova Russia Ukraine Arab Region (NACE) Algeria Egypt Lebanon Eastern and Southern Africa (CENESA) Malawi Uganda Citizenship Education in Kenya Other Regions Ecuador Country Profiles in Arabic (العربية) Editorial (افتتاحية) Algeria Austria Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Germany Lebanon Netherlands Poland Slovenia Spain United Kingdom Country Profiles in Russian (русский) От редакции Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Ecuador Georgia Moldova Russia Ukraine Выходные данные

Workshop 4 Good Governance and Politics in the City: Cultural and Citizenship Education accompanying New Models of Participation

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Urban politics and the further development of cities can be effective only if citizens take responsibility for the urban spaces they inhabit. Therefore transparent and democratic processes of decision-making are essential. Cities and urban communities can be – and many of them already are – excellent laboratories and breeding grounds for new kinds of interaction between citizens, stakeholders and the city´s administration. Participation becomes the leitmotif and strategy of good urban governance. How can cultural and citizenship education moderate the dialogue between often very disparate interests to foster participation of citizens in urban political processes and to implement innovative concepts of civic participation? How can acceptance and legitimation be promoted, and a closer link between political leadership and civic commitment be encouraged?


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